Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Groove Virtual Office

Smarter ways to work..that is all about the groove virtual office network. It seems to be a very powerful tool. Often people at work places have problems communicating each other, people find it difficult to keep update of each other's work. If more then 2 people are developing software, it's nightmare to get synchronized. Sending large files in e-mails is a headache.

Groove offers all this. It has features of file sharing, project management etc. I haven't tried it out personally as I am not in a software workplace. But, I have gone through all the features. It is recently bought by Microsoft. It offers demo version for 60 days to try it out. Interestingly, the architecture is peer-to-peer. There is no centralized server. Hence, making it more robust and scalable.

Here are some of the useful docs to get a complete picture of its working..

And, the main website is

You have a solution to every problem in this world. Ofcourse, every solution comes with its own problems. And that's why we researchers have a job..:)

Monday, December 12, 2005

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

European Master program is jointly offered by three major universities of Europe (University of Edinburgh, Scotland, RWTH Aachen University, Germany and the University of Trento, Italy). It's one of the very unique program, where besides getting degree from two of the above three universities, you can get a scholarship of 21,000 euros per year. The programs offered are Masters in Net-Centrics, Bio-Informatics and Embedded Systems.

I personally know the students studying in this program and they are having great time. Courses from excellent faculy and also get to know different cultures, njoying the beauty of scotland, italy and germany.

Check out the article written by a student who got this scholarship. And for more information check out the website Eumi

And, for the list of all the programs available in Europe under the Erasmus scheme are listed here

Friday, December 09, 2005

Personalised Web Search


Yahoo recently introduced MyWeb. I just came across this couple of day back and I was sure that google would come up with something similiar in a day or two. And Here it goes..

Now, you don't need to spend hours looking for a webpage that you found yesterday. Google maintains your search history and also provides feature of book mark.

Personalised websearch seems to be the next big thing. But is it really gonna be. Well, it's all about vision. I personally feel it's gonna be the next revolution...the context of social information retrieval. But we should identify the proper direction to explore...otherwise will get lost ..

Let's see how long personalized websearch gonna stay....