Monday, March 27, 2006


Yet another search engine..but I think this is different. It's true that we are heading into an information age and unless we organise data properly...we will be lost. Kosmix offers searching for pages related to three categories "Medical", "Travel" and "Politics" as of now.

I haven't tested the precision of the search results, but it's a promising direction for search engines. If I am looking for travel/medical information, I would definitely prefer a search engine which only indexes pages in that category rather than breaking head in google thinking of the right keywords. But I don't think that anyone can beat the top 10 results of google. It's all the magic of eigen vectors.

More Thoughts

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Slick touch

[...Here's a cool demonstration of the potential of touchscreen technology, close to the level of the user interface in the movie Minority Report. The interaction techniques are not new, but taken together and combined with the New York University researchers' high-speed, high-resolution multiple-contact touchscreen the effect is impressive. Be sure to watch the video, and be sure to watch past the initial hyper-paint-program eye candy..]


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

More for Indians

Well...Everyone wants a piece of Indian Talent. And, Italy seems to have recognised it too. Italy is offering a number of postgraduate programs in technology, management for Indian students. Scholarships are also available for all the programs. There will be a roadshow in Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai this april, 2006.

For more details check the following links..

The universities participating are:

And, the scholarships

Buon Fortuna..

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Masters & PhD in Computer Science

Call for Applications for Masters and PhD program at Univ. of Trento.
These are some of the links for reference:

There a number of scholarships reserved for Indian students in masters program.